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Re: [Land-speed] Non LSR but I couln't help myself

To: LSR Bryan Savage <>
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Non LSR but I couln't help myself
From: "Doug ............." <>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 16:16:15 +0000

    -absolutely!         I see it every morning:

  You can not -you would not, believe the sheer stupidity -on all levels
    -and- all age groups I see every day that there's school.
       Hell, a lot of these kids are simply 'missing' when I arrive to pick
them up.

   They just don't attend -regularly.  And this is in very small-town RURAL
         -where you'd think there'd still be some 'core values' left...

  Officially, 39% of the student body I drive for is considered "special

  Can you say 'Ritilin' ?   Hell the 'special need',  (-in -most- cases )
     is a real good spanking, ivory soap in the mouth,..  -and a good hug.

  But "they" (the American people thru their legislators) won't let us.
   All we are allowed to do -for ANY reason or mis-behavior, is "write a
report" ...

  It's a sin; the American School System (with the 'help' of the totally blind
American 'Public" )
                     - has let down America.  BIG Time.
    'The dumbing down of America'   -believe it.    Hell there's stops on my
routes that deliver brothers & sisters to the same address
      -that have 3 or 4 different last names.      It's COMMON.      I kid you
         GOD   Save    America  ,   Doug '

> Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2009 07:52:44 -0800
> From:
> To:
> CC:;
> Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Non LSR but I couln't help myself
> Why isn't more stuff made in the  USA????
> Think about this, Out of the 30 something industrial countries, the kids in
only one
> country won't be better educated than their parents.  What poor country
might that be?
> The USA, which has about a 70% or better High School dropout rate.
    In the 21st Century, a HS dropout   is not qualified for a minimum wage
> Bryan
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Doug ............. wrote:

> >   JD, you're' right..!

      ah yes,

     America's 'hoo-ray for me, screw the other guy' ways have finally come
    to bite it square in the ass.

    funny,.. I've been trying to warn people about this selfish
    for thirty (30) or more years    -all-  to deaf ears.   Time for hearing
aids now I guess.

 Must be everyone forgot the basic civics/economics lesson of the need  -and
reason-  to buy 'local'
 -so the guy that you bought from, can AFFORD to buy from you.

     I'm 'just' a dumb ass schoolbus driver but even I could figure it out...

       'Dirt Track Doug '

    - Why can't the rest of the population ?

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