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Re: [Land-speed] Alternative Transporation

To: Jon Bishop <>
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Alternative Transporation
From: drmayf <>
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 2008 07:06:00 -0700
I would attack this differently. I would make each piston a solenoid 
plunger. Then the applied curren could drive the piston down. It coul 
dbe applied evenly all the way down and that wold be better than the 
BMEP we have now.  As a demo unit could use a model airplane motor, 
keeping the rotating assy and replace the piston and cyl with a solenoid 
connectoed to the crank via the piston rod. Apply th ecurrent just as 
pistonis at TDC  and keep it on all th eway to the end of the stroke.   
Make the piston magnetic so it recovers current on the up stroke, maybe. 
Us eback emf o help th enext unit in line to operate.
But as Dave said, sounds like an electric motor, lol... but what if i 
could be made to replace ou existing motors so we could keep our basic 
vehicles? I don't think th e electrics would be much. COntrol neither..


Jon Bishop wrote:

>Just got this link sent to me from a friend, thought I'd pass it on.  
>An interesting idea. Functional? Maybe. Anyone wanna give it a try?
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