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Re: [Land-speed] Non-LSR turban, part three

To: "Doug Anderson" <>, "Rich Fox"
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Non-LSR turban, part three
From: "Tom Bryant" <>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2008 07:31:36 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
Being one that has ridden motorcycles with my hair (not much hair anymore)
blowing in the wind, I can sympathize with the non-helmet crowd and
non-governmental interference in our lives. However, that being said, there
are many areas of our life where we don't seem to be intelligent enough to
care for our selves. Plus, as a society, we have invited government to be
responsible for our safety and the taxpayer to pick up the tab for
individual stupidity. Talk to a nurse in emergency and you get a very
negative view of the results of motorcycle mishaps.

I think the thing that has driven helmet and seatbelt laws is a fact that,
in an accident,  there is less trauma to the body if these safety devices
are employed. And quite often someone else has to pay the hospital bill.

I know we wouldn't think of running our race vehicles without these safety
measures. It wasn't always this way, however. If we know to do better,
shouldn't we? Without government regulations, our cars would likely be
produced with plate glass windows. In recent years, a foot on the brake is
required to put the shift selector from neutral into gear because so many
drivers couldn't figure that one out for themselves. Sometimes we need a
push-start to do what is right.

Tom, Redding CA - #216 D/FCC

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