Thats Diversity in action. France has supported Diversity
for Islamic immigrants and now has areas in their cities
where the Police refuse to go. God help Tourists.
Then there's the Divorce Ceremony for the fundamentalists.
Take wife out side, throw gasoline and a match on her. Oh,
and stuff cotton in your ears.
My, how religious.
Doing insane things is not a right in a modern society.
Dave Dahlgren wrote:
> These people are forgetting one of their most scared rights.. the right to
> leave if they don't like their surroundings. I find it astounding how many
> immigrants want more rights than the citizens and out court system goes
> along with it. The ACLU and others like it out real homeland security
> problem in my mind..
> Dave
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Benn" <>
> To: "Land Speed Digest" <>
> Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 3:29 PM
> Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Non-LSR turban, part two
>> And if I had a "sincere belief" that speed laws shouldn't apply to me,
>> then I should be allowed to speed at will, right?
>> And what ever happened to the Florida case of the woman who said it
>> was against her religion to remove her burqa for a DMV photo?
>> Benn
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