What part of the country would you and Todd be traveling from to reach
How would you travel? Bike? Car/truck/camper?
Is camping, like at the Bend in the Road, practical for you two?
If so I have some useful tips......
Ed Weldon (Los Gatos, CA)
----- Original Message -----
From: "DahMurf" <>
To: "Ed Weldon" <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 5:12 AM
Subject: RE: [Land-speed] HEY GUYS ( and gals? )
> Probably the same as everyone, time & money. We were a week away from
> a few years back & that's when Todd had his heart attack. He's all button
> now & the shop has recovered so we're starting to toss the idea around
> again. We don't have anything "Bonneville worthy" right now but we do want
> to go out at least once without our own bikes to learn the ropes.
> Deb #1302
> Twin Jugs Racing
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