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Re: [Land-speed] Driving skills

To: <>, <>, <>,
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Driving skills
From: "joseph lance" <>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 20:14:41 -0400
Yes, it's from Hemmingway.  I believe the whole quote is "there are only 
three real sports: mountain climbing, bull fighting, and auto racing--all 
the rest are mere games"


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>; <>; "'LSR'" 
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Driving skills

> Dave;
> I think that quote "... there are only 3 sports; mountain climbing, bull
> fighting, and motor racing..." is from Earnest Hemmingway.
> Regards, Neil  Tucson, AZ
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 2:24 AM
> To:; 'LSR'
> Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Driving skills
> The  problem is this, it is our society or lack there of. In the 50's if
> someone did something silly well at least in the observers eyes they
> just said that was a shame to die doing that.. Now we have to find the
> guilty party as there is always someone to blame for every thing.
> Litigation is the king now you can not come up with a disclaimer that
> covers everyone and everything F Lee Baily can not neither can L Patrick
> Grey.. So don't think you can or your local attorney can there is always
> a way to sue. Why do you think tires are so  problematic. It is not that
> they can not be made or can not be profitable. They don't want to sell
> 1000 tires for 500 bucks each and have to buy them back at 20 million
> each. Selling those tires has to be right up there with being the
> official rope provider for climbing Mt. Everest..
> Age has nothing to do with capability in general but is a factor to be
> considered. Lets not forget for one moment that the majority of those
> involved with this sport are reliving a youth missed but now we can do
> it as we can afford to be young in actions and deeds at least but the
> physical part left a long while ago. I have always wanted to fly a jet
> fighter though growing up and being the right age to take that up during
> the Vietnam war was a bad plan. The spookiest thing I ever saw was in
> the back lot of the local air museum, an F4 with Lt. Dahlgren under the
> canopy that was riddled with bullet holes.. What I am getting at is life
> is not always fair and you can't always do what you want but each has to
> be judged on an individual basis and if you don't meet the standards you
> dont know moving them to accommodate someone because everyone gets to
> play.. This is not T-ball sorry..
> FWIW there are only 3 sports mountain climbing bull fighting and motor
> racing the rest are 'games'  and pro or amateur the rewards and
> sacrifices are identical.
> Dave
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