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Re: [Land-speed] Most prolific record setting car

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Most prolific record setting car
From: "Dale H Pulju" <>
Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 14:15:22 -0700
Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Most prolific record setting car

> In a message dated 8/18/2007 2:09:51 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time,
> writes:
> I don't  see how that is possible, Otto.  From the very conception of  the
> Classis Class there has been a rule preventing the changing out of  that
> class within the year. Page, 57 of '07 rule books states, "Once a  vehicle 
> in
> the Classic Category has competed in an SCTA-BNI sanctioned  event, the
> vehicle MUST REMAIN in that category for the current racing  season".
> Hi Elon
> Actually they didn't break the rule unless they ran the car at EM in the
> classic category earlier this year. If they ran ALT or CC they would still 
> be
> cool. They switched to Classic after the other records were set.
> I have "mixed" feelings of just switching the class of a car without doing
> anything but switch class designations on the car and go "cherry  picking" 
> on
> soft or open records. Seems like a hollow victory to me but I'm  probably 
> just
> jealous because they're doing it and I'm not!!! LOL
> You know what they say, "A mans ego is only as big as his AA engine".
> Otto
My AA engine is only 502 so I am at the bottom of the ego
ssuunnyy and back home after a great Bonneville experience 

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