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Re: [Land-speed] Plating No LSR (sorta)

Subject: Re: [Land-speed] Plating No LSR (sorta)
From: "Doug Anderson" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 00:47:41 +0000
       I don't think so Dick.  Muraitic will eat rust.  Not plating.

                    -correct me if I'm wrong Bobby....

      you'll have to have the thing 'reverse plated'  to get it off

      BTW:  I don't think ANY guns were ever  'chrome'  plated...  just 

                                    ( copper plated first then nickled )

      BTW II:  GOOD bluing is boiled.  Not applied out of a bottle....  ;-)

     -you could however, try 'browning' it ...  it would look 'old' and 
patina'ed'    ;- )

             yer ol' pal,  -Doug  -who usta onct uponatime  was a gun -MAKER


bject: Re: [Land-speed] Plating
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 19:38:05 -0700 (PDT)

What I'm looking for, specifically, is:  Will muriatic acid, as available 
from a hardware store, strip nickel and chrome plating from steel.  I want 
to try bluing an old pistol that has a very bad chrome job.  It's of no real 
value, it's just something I've always wanted to try, but I've got to get 
the nickel and chrome (and rust) off this thing before I can try bluing it.


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