Hi List
Dale recommended a record I could probably reach!!! It's not SCTA by any
stretch but I think with the proper safety gear, the USFRA would let me run it
for the Guinness World record.
"All" I have to do is drive a piece of furniture over 92 MPH. That should be
easy!!! I've got my eye on my favorite recliner as we speak! Fooly reclined
it's only 29". That's 2" lower than Ankle Biter!!! I figure I can whack off
Ankle Biters upper frame tube at the cockpit, slam in the recliner and run the
new upper frame tube and cage over the recliner, making me "safe" and legal
to run. I may make Bonneville after all! I'm inspired!
Check out the current record run at,
_http://www.sofa.com/sofarecord/_ (http://www.sofa.com/sofarecord/)
I'm serious, the Brits hold the current record. We need it back in the good
ol' USA, just like the diesel liner record!