Thanks for the reminder. Will stay in the barn this time and see what
happens with the lines. I don't have sufficient resources to sit in
line and study what could have been. If Lattin's deal works and we
can get 2 runs a day, then we'll see about '08 and AA/BGS. Measure
the line(s) in hours.
We all know it will work from about Wednesday on.......Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday are the question in my alleged mind and Saturday is OK
because not many are through inspection yet.
How many courses did we end up with? Last I heard it was still 2 but
managed differently.
See you at WOS for sure......Good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise.....
Skip (Tried to help.....)
At 02:38 AM 5/1/2007, Sparky wrote:
>Guys, Don't forget-- just 15 days left to register at discounted price
> Sparky
>AA/_ L 2211