I have, lately, been building an analysis spreadsheet for cooling an
engine of any size by putting a radiator in a tank of water. This has
been pretty involved for me as I had 2 brain cells die at a critical
time, lol. And they were the ones dealing with thermal analyses. But ,
in the process, I got to wondering about the big high horspower cars,
like the 411 streamliner, which has two large alcohol burining
supercharged motors. Just how does Tom cool all that? Does he start off
with a cold engine on the run? ANd by the time he finishes it is smoking
hot? It is funny in any case, that the faster you go the less heat you
put into the water in total because a run is over so fast. Odd stuff for
me.. In any case, if anyone knows how they do it, I'df be interested in
hearing. Is Tom B on the list?
mayf, head hurting from the math out in pahrump...