The fire department around these parts doesn't particularly care foralt fuel
vehicles.....especially the CNG cars with the tank that ismounted in the rear
under the trunk...... Rear-end one of thesebabys and get out the hot dogs
(unless you are the unluckydriver) Also, If you have an alt fuel car/truck,
you are requiredto have a LARGE sticker on the back identifying the fuel.
Thissucks if you are particularly proud of your paint job......
>-----Original Message-----
>From: drmayf []
>Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 09:41 AM
>To: 'Bryan Savage'
>Cc: 'MEIERLE Mike', 'Jon Wennerberg', 'joseph lance', 'Scott Cowle',
>Subject: Re: hydrogen as a fuel
>If the H@ is used in a fuel cell then it should be ok. Cracking gasoline
>ot get the H2 is as problematic as the other issues with H2 becaus eyo
>ar left with a a esidue that has to be dumped somewhere, lots of carbon
>and the other stuff that is in gasoline. Or a special belnd of gasoline
>that does not have the sulphur, and additives in it. O far it is just a
>gimmick. As to H2 itself, very volitile. We had a free hydrogen
>explosion at the Rocketdyne plant in Santa Susanna diring th eApollo
>days. H2 was bieing boiled off and because it si so cold i thung on the
>ground mixing with the O2 in the air, then KABOOM. H2 is also the
>lightest moleculae and gravity willnot hold it to the earth. I tis lost
>to outerspace. So runnig the H2 systems delpetes the water supply on
>earth. Albeit very slowly and onl;y if it leaks intot he atmosphere. And
>it will. If you want a good exampleof how exp;osive H2 is, see if you
>can fill a baloon wiht it. Then stand well back and ignite it with a
>cigarette on a very long stick. The boom will make your ears ring! H2
>is very nearly explosive at at all levels of concentrations. Imaging a
>car with a wrecked fuel tank of h2 and a spark...much worse, IMHO, than