A new list dedicated to list lurkers is on-line, as of a few minutes ago....
_listlurkers@aol.com_ (mailto:listlurkers@aol.com)
Newbies in the sport like me find it intimidating to jump into LSR and be
comfortable. There are quite a number of us so I decided to start the "Lurkers
list". We can openly share opinions without the fear of attack. It will be
like the blind leading the blind! LOL If we can't figure it out, we can
consult the very experienced experts on this list. No reason to drop off it.
Monitor both and get the most "bang for your buck".
I'm not smart enough to figure out how to do an "auto forward" list like
this one but I did figure out an "Otto forward" list. I monitor the
_listlurkers@aol_ (mailto:listlurkers@aol) mail box. Anything that comes into
"ottomatically" gets forwarded to the Lurkers verbatim. Unless it's
insulting, rude, libelous, slanderous or just being an asshole, then it gets
forwarded to the Internet cops instead. LOL Being AOL we can also attach
pictures and diagrams with arrows and all.
I can also see the "Lurkers" developing into an impromptu "LSR club". Us
LURKERS could pit together on the salt and be part of a group. Why do I feel
like a Nerd in the movie, Revenge of the Nerds???? Everybody sing along, "We
the champions, we are the champ......
Any of you nerds,,, I mean, anybody want to join? Everybody's welcome,
lurker or not. Just send an e-mail to _listlurkers@aol.com_
(mailto:listlurkers@aol.com) titled, "Yes, I'm a lurker and proud of it". You
will Ottomatically be
added to the list. Send some info about yourself and what your going to
race. We want pics! ( Please shrink them, AOL is sloooooooooow!) Send pics of
and your car! This way we can put a face to that e-mail address. More
personal, like the Lurkers will be!