Show my a*s......It's a lot easier today with the hi-po cars you canbuy right
off the showroom floor, but in 1990 when I started running ,it was pretty darn
tough to average 150 mph (or more ) for 90 miles. Igenerally kept my foot all
the way to the floor for the first 53 miles,which meant 180+ on the straights.
Trivia fact; the Corvette Irun in LSR today was originally built for the
Silver State Unlimitedclass, but after some high-speed testing out in the
desert after Ifinished it, I thought it would be a walk in the park to break
the C/GTrecord (which was 201 at the time), so the car went to
Bonneville,where NOTHING is easy and I got spanked..... And yes, theydo keep
records and they do have a 200 mph club. You have to doo 200mph or better in
at least one of the 2 radar speed traps on the course,and then finish. The
hard word here is FINISH. Heck, sometime wehave a hard time making 5
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Keith Turk []
>Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 04:02 AM
>Subject: Re: Land Speed Racing at White Sands Missal Range
>Muroc is the only other one Otto....
>There are currently only 5 actual LSR events.... The Silver State deal is
>just a show... I don't think they keep records or have a 200mph club...
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 1:12 AM
>Subject: Land Speed Racing at White Sands Missal Range
>> Hi Listers
>> Quit listing and straighten up before you fall over! LOL
>> I'm doing research for a proposal to the Feds to use White Sands Missal
>> Range for LSR. They have four huge runways spread across 3200 sq. miles
>> of packed
>> gypsum.
>> I raced Harley KR's on packed gypsum at Louisville Downs back in the
>> 60's.
>> It's a great surface with traction better than salt or dirt. It does tend
>> to
>> "sand blast" anything it hits though.... Won't be a problem for us with
>> one
>> vehicle racing at a time.
>> Anyway, other than Bonneville, El Mirage, Maxton, Texas Mile and the
>> Silver
>> State Classic held on 90 miles of route 318 in Nevada, what other LSR
>> events
>> are held in the states?
>> I know of one in Nebraska but I can't find the web site.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Otto
>> CEO, S.W.T.A.