I suggest installing external, hand actuated magnetos on every
port-a-potty with MDS ignitions wired to the seats. They could be
triggered after a reasonable delay when the units are occupied, thus
cutting down on the long lines of impatient and needy patrons and
giving them the possibility of speeding up the rate of occupancy. We
could also issue numbers or have windows of opportunity for male and
female patrons with additional categories for age or medical
requirements as well. Maybe the folks at the Red Flame could have a
take a number machine as you leave the tables after your meal to
further increase the efficiency. That would penalize those who prepare
meals in their pits. Perhaps Jon could work out a system that would
reward those who don't use the facilities on one day with early
scheduled times the next day. Just think of the possibilities!
On Oct 15, 2006, at 12:34 PM, Jon Wennerberg wrote:
> On Sunday, October 15, 2006, at 06:55 AM, Ed Weldon wrote:
>> Jon Wennerberg: Do you have any new ideas for technical improvements
>> to the
>> portapotties?
>> How about solar powered flushing systems? Electronic real time
>> prestage
>> status displays (ERTPSD's) ?
>> Ed Weldon, LOL... (Land of the Luddites)
> Ed: I think the technical committee will elect to put the wireless
> timing system components in the porta-potties, up near the roof, so
> the cables leading to the antenna farms will be shorter and easier to
> maintain.
> We'll recharge the batteries that power the transceivers by hooking a
> generator/gear multiplier to the TP roller, and will ask all to try to
> hold their business 'til they can go at the porta-potties.
> We may have to explore getting Class IV hazardous environment
> explosion-proof enclosures for the battery chargers, of course, but at
> least the display screens to let the racers know their position in
> pre-stage won't be affected. Unfortunately I think the text-messaging
> system will be available in only one language per potty, so we'll have
> to have more volunteers to letter up signs proclaiming which language
> is in use in each potty.
> I need help on this committee. Will you stand up and join me?
> Jon Wennerberg
> Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
> Marquette, Michigan
> (that's 'way up north)
> PS There. That oughta keep 'em wondering for a while.