And since we are airing out issues, there were just a couple more for me
then I am outa here. The first one is dip wad spectators in the pits
wandering around stumbling in front of cars being towed etc. Or kids on
wheeled devices doing the same thing. Every crew needs to have a heart
to heart chat with those on their "team" and get then to listen up and
not step in front of a towed vehicle causing it to have to slow down or
stop altogether while the dingbat looks at you like you are crazy for
telling him to get the hellout of the way. These events are for the
racers and their teams. Tell the spectators to be careful and to be on
the look out because some one may run right over their sorry butts. The
other one is pets. The salt is a hostile environment and pets do not
belong there. At all. Yeah it is gonna cost some money to board them
critters but this is a meet for racers and we do not need to be dodging
animals. A simple single page of considrations handed out with the
registration and at the end of the road would work sufficiently I would
think. And then when pets are brought out to he salt they need to be
made to go away, back into town.
Ok, I am done...
mayf, way off and far out in Pahrump