dmay, I know you hate it when you don't get the answers your looking for
why do you "think" you need a new oil pump? They don't go bad too often,
if you failed some bearings along with your oil pump guess what happened
If you are going to replace the stock pump use a high volume pump. Most
pumps will pump 7-10 gpm. the turbos can live on as little as 1 gpm (but will
heat the oil very fast) the engine needs about 5-7 gpm. If you see 75-85 psi
cold @2000 rpm and 30-40 psi @ idle warm you will be fine.... except you need
8-10 qts in the pan, I doubt you do so....
get a dry sump figured out.
Your efi issues are a whole other subject that both Dave and I will hold you
over the fire for later, LOL.