Mayf, Most all spins are the result of getting behind in your steering.
You have a 50/50 chance as to which way that will be. Remember LSR cars
can be very different in front engine, rear engine, long wheelbase,
short wheelbase etc...etc..
Doug Odom in big ditch
drmayf wrote:
> I was sitting here wondering (or was that wandering?) at the keyboard.
> I know over the years there have been may spin outs. Has anyone ever
> counted the number of spins and the direction the spin started in? In
> other words how many started in the left turn direction vs right
> turn. Does the coreolis acceleration have anything to do with it? Like
> the you know what going down the tidy bowl? What is the latitude of
> the salt flats? Coreolis acceleration might be near max at that
> latitude...maybe...