On Saturday, July 8, 2006, at 11:10 AM, Glen Barrett wrote:
> one of those burnt hot dogs will taste like a steak to him. Time is
> getting close, I'm ready for a salt fix.
> Glen
Glen, those hot dogs aren't burnt. We see you coming and dip yours
into drain oil before we put it on the grill. That's where it gets
that "special" flavor.
To everyone else: Here's a Salt Talks '06 update. I've got about 100
1/4# hamburgers and (so far) 40 1/4# hot dogs in the freezer. I've
ordered 75 1/2# pasties. Kerri Supanich, a lady that works at the West
Wendover city offices, is trying to find a grill for us (the one we've
used in the past few years is no longer available). We're planning on
chips and soda pop and you can bring your own beers. If there's a
special food item that you want -- either bring enough to share, or
tell us so we can see if we can bring it. The t-shirts are about ready
to be produced, and Keith and Tonya will be bringing the shirts from
Alabama to the Salt.
For entertainment we've got Sparky's XM radio. There's a chance I'll
be able to get a lie detector stationed on the site to prevent anyone
from telling untruths about how fast he's going to go. Don't forget to
bring chairs. We'll try to remember name tags for you to make out and
wear -- remember, the whole idea of Salt Talks is to bring together
this group that stays in touch be the internet all year buy only meets
in person once in a while. Lots of folks don't know which face goes
with what name, so we gather and shoot the breeze in person.
Here's the big news: We're going to have a porta-potty or two
stationed at the Bend in the Road, I think. No more p***ing contests,
although I suppose you could stage one if you really wanted to. . .
We look forward to as many of you as possible attending Salt Talks '06.
It'll be Sunday, 13 August, at the end of the racing day, at the Bend
in the Road.
Nancy & Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
Marquette, Michigan
(that's 'way up north)