You pay your fees, provide insurance coverage and they schedule you.
Not for several days and this time of year he salt is usually fragile
and needs time to heal from the dragging to form a good course. This
is just one great year on the salt! Private meets like this could be
scheduled all year long if the conditions were right.
On Jul 5, 2006, at 12:19 AM, wrote:
> In a message dated 7/4/2006 10:51:46 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time,
> writes:
>> Lawnmower turned in the 80's ... some guy who holds the prop driven
>> water record was out "setting" a speed record for stock cars ... read
>> NASCAR. I think Gribble went faster a few years back. This guy went
>> in the 230's. Funny how they never have the nerve to try it against
>> some REAL racers.
> Soooooo how do these guys even get to race on the salt? I thought the
> BNI controlled all racing on the salt.
> Otto