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Re: Re: Cooling system

To: Bryan Savage <>
Subject: Re: Re: Cooling system
From: Sparky <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2006 17:54:11 -0500
Thanks Bryan---I built nearly all of it my self except the tig welding on the 
alm.---I have one more change this winter. I will fix the box where I can pump 
the water off--so that I can prewarm just the eng water. kill the eng--then 
turn on the tranfer pump to submerge the core and start then star the run---no 
cooling water pre heated- other that the engines
> From: Bryan Savage <>
> Date: 2006/07/03 Mon PM 04:14:46 CDT
> To: Sparky <>
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Cooling system
> You've got the perfect cooling system for Bonneville. If it was a lot of work,
> when you get back from Bonneville imagine this was your third trip and
> the first one that didn't end early because of a blown engine.
> Bryan
> Sparky wrote:
> > Otto,,  I have DAVE and Russ Mack to thank for my cooling system---Dave 
>SHAMED me into a radiator in box---
> > 
> > Russ and I designed this type of heat exchanger in the middle of the night 
>to and from Tx. to B'ville
> > 
> > yes it was at elevated idle--
> > 
> > I have a Hi Flow, belt driven factory type water pump (with a sprint car 
>lower pulley so that alt. and pump dont turn more that 5500 at 8000) that runs 
>the water thru a radiator in a box that has been modified to make a 2 pass 
>heat exchanger that box holds 11 gallons of water---when the return water gets 
>to 210 I turn on the aux water pump that runs 3 gpm  of "one pass" ambient 
>temp.water thru the box out of a 16 gallon tank from the back of the rear 
>axel...I can add ice or go to a bigger pump if that doesnt cool it--- It also 
>has a elevated deareation burp can--with a 25-30 psi cap at its highest 
>point---again thanks to Dave... 
> > 
> >  Oh---by the way---I WISH I had twice as much power---actually I dont have 
>much more than you do---I figure 700 max at B'ville
> > 
> > 

219.124  El Mirage

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