Sounds you had a great time. I saw last year's Carnegie-Mellon (still
Carnegie Tech to us old engineers) car the at BeaveRun racing facility here
in Pittsburgh and talked to the students who built it---beautiful job. Were
they at Fontana and how'd they do?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Benn" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 4:13 PM
Subject: non-lsr Formula SAE part 1
> Hi gang,
> Just got back from the Formula SAE West event held at California Speedway.
> This was a way fun event and y'all that are in the vicinity next year
> should
> really consider helping out in tech, on course, etc. (Similar event for
> the
> east is held around Detroit each spring). My partial "blog" about it
> follows.
> Benn
> Headed to Fontana to work at the Formula SAE West event at California
> Speedway. V. impressive facility--grandstands probably hold
> 150,000-250,000,
> equally large parking lots, big couple-mile highspeed D-oval track, with
> roadcourse in the infield, dragstrip on north side of the main oval, kart
> course on the west. Probably nothing like it this side of the Rockies.
> (I
> was surprised to find out that the old Ontario Motor Speedway (and it's
> adjacent KOA) nearby are now a shopping mall). I was assigned to tech
> inspection, and even before our quickie one-hour training and prep, there
> were
> dozens of cars lined up for inspection. All these cars are designed and
> built
> by college engineering school students in one school year from scratch.
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> Check out