I'm proud of you bud.... Been there, done that and it was one of thetoughest
things I ever did. Be prepared for it being tough on your gutsfor about a week
until all the demons are gone.... but it will pass. Iquit by getting
hypnotized.... The guy gave me a post-hypnoticsuggestion that any time I
wanted a cigarette, drink a glass of water.Worked for me....Only side effect
was my beer consumption went uptoo........
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Dahlgren [mailto:ddahlgren@snet.net]
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 11:29 AM
To: land-speed@autox.team.net
Subject: Off topic quitting smoking, what I have learned so far...
For those that have quit this is probably of no interest or possibly some
Yesterday, Father's day, I quit a pack or so a day habit..
So good so far me and the 'patch' are buddies, though I am sort of not in
the best of moods today so if you feel like calling and chatting about
nothing probably a poor idea LOL.
Some have suggested at times I can be 'difficult' well today I might be able
to redefine 'difficult'..
Next food never thought I could eat so much.. More like a pot head at Denies
at 3 am than someone running a business.. Even worse got the munchies around
lunch, that I don't normally stop work and eat, looked around and it's like
Geez nothing to eat around here. So off to the local food store that is
normally a 5 minute drill, but today I am like a shark in a tank circling
the tank looking for another 'snack', so 234 bucks later and my third
'snack' today here I am.. I only wrote this to keep my hands busy and out of
the refrigerator...
Concentration, nope nadda no way every moment is a blonde moment.. I have
heard nicotine is good for Alzheimer's .. yep I believe every word as of
today.. I am supposed to have jury duty this Thursday.. LOL..guilty yes they
all guilty of something.. kill them all and let God sort them out.. See
first part about being 'difficult'..
Sleep , yes I remember that, about all I can remember right now, a fond
memory at least, now replaced with tossing and turning..
Oh well it has been a little over 24 hrs. and typing this and boring
everyone with it is one less sandwich down my 'pie hole'.. LOL.