I've had my share of 50 to 70 mph dismounts. 4 as my
addled brain can recall. Each time, I slid nicely, on
asphalt, concrete and my favorite, grass. Each time, I
was able to slide on my back or stomach without my
head touching the ground. (well.. once my chin hit a
curb that I was rapidly traveling over) Even on the
grass, one slows down pretty quickly and without the
tendency to tumble. Personally, I would rather not
have a device, other than a nice set of leathers, to
slow my speed.
Hoping that none of us have will ever have the need to
test or demonstrate their theories of deceleration.
Dale Krumheuer
Cleveland Ohio
--- Skip Higginbotham
<Saltrat@lubricationdynamics.com> wrote:
> Over 200 Dick and the shock is relative to the size
> of the chute.
> These chutes were small.
> Skip
> At 01:51 PM 6/15/2006, Dick J wrote:
> >I'm not sure but that the opening shock of the
> chute at those speeds
> >would cause more inujury than not having one. When
> paratroopers
> >exit an aircraft in flight, it's done at just over
> a hundred miles
> >an hour - - less if possible. An canopy deploying
> at 200+ would put
> >quite a yank on the wearer. I don't think the drag
> boats were
> >anywhere near 200 when those chutes were used, were
> they?
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