>On Thursday, June 15, 2006, at 01:56 PM, Skip Higginbotham wrote:
The personnel chute is in a small pack (about 6"square) and mounts
just behind the rider's head. So it may actually help the aero
problem. In boats, mine was attached to a life preserver that was
very compact. A lanyard connected the canopy to the boat and if the
driver is ejected, the chute opens and the driver is slowed
rapidly....feet first. No rolling around. I never had the opportunity
to use mine (luckily) but have talked to several drivers who went
over at 200+ and into the water and they all survived with minor
injuries. It seems to me that the result would even be better at the salt.
A harness could easily be made by a safety company....Stroud, Deist, etc.
To Joe, please note that we have open bikes over 250 and they are not
going to get slower.
>>Well, maybe we can convince the bikes over 200 to use them....what
>>do you think?
>Show me what you're talking about*, please.
> Jon Wennerberg
>Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
> Marquette, Michigan
> (that's 'way up north)
>* "drag boat chutes"