My thoughts are the need for a seat that holds you ...not more belts. At
PRI, I spoke to Randy Lejore ( misspelled I'm sure), Butler and Kirky
about seats. All three said the same MUST control your hips,
chest, shoulders and head!!! Next is to protect your knees and feet.
When I crashed the Chevette at Maxton, my only injury was my left elbow
from banging the funny car style left helmet bar.
My two cents,
Bryan Savage wrote:
> Excellent question Jim!
> When Howard first drove our car (I/BGS) he didn't feel securely
> strapped in.
> He basically laid on his back and between his hips and the top of his
> shoulders
> felt insecure. Not like a Sprint Car or a NASCAR which felt secure. He
> added another seat belt which went across the rib cage after talking
> to Jim
> Deist. He loved it. He said he finally felt like part of the car and
> could feel
> what it was doing. Because it was different, he spent time practicing
> getting
> out until he didn't have to think about the extra belt.
> Does anyone want to call Jim Deist and Bob Shroud for their opinion's, or
> is that a bad idea? I'll call, if the real racers are too busy.
> Bryan
> Jim Webb wrote:
>> Anybody got any wisdom for those with 30' long & 2.5' narrow
>> cars?