Bow wrote;
"If all the farmers in the USA that have been paid for years to not produce
crops so we can buy them from other countries (I will never figure that
logic out), we would probably be way ahead in the game....
(Recovering from Appendix surgery)"
Hey Bow, I'll trade you both arms in casts for your appendix surgery! At
least you can wipe your own butt!!! LOL
I was one of those farmers back in Illinois who got paid to leave our fields
empty. We never could figure it out either and thought the gov had lost it's
mind! We thought, "Shoot, how would they know if we grew stuff anyway".
Damn'd if they didn't send some gov guys around to check! We were cool anyway.
Only thing we could make of it was the pres. made some deal with some other
country's pres to do X number of dollars in imports to get on their "side".
Seems we're always trying to kiss some country's a#$ to get them "on our
Whats with that? Who died and made us the "worlds providers". Why do we have
to bail out every country in the world while the average US citizen doesn't
have any health care?
Just goes to show you where "our" government's priorities are. Sure ain't
with "we da people"!!!
Gee, do you think our gov is "secretly" trying to become the "World leaders"?
( One fingered with both arms in casts)