Well, it wasn't really "maintenance", but I did some basic stuff
yesterday -- rotated the tires on the pickup, cleaned the winter
crud/stains off them, aired 'em back to 55 psi, rotated them. Took
some of the "old" stickers off the truck in preparation for updating
the information contained thereupon.
Today it's vacuum and shampoo the carpets in the truck ("Dang it,
Nancy, there's so much salt on the floor that you'd think we just got
back from Bonneville"), then re-install the moon discs. I took 'em off
last fall to save them from the ravages of winter, and clear-coated
them, too. I'll be stylin' tomorrow.
We sold the old race trailer and bought a new(er) one -- 1,200 miles
this Tuesday/Wednesday to trade off trailers and also fetch a classic
bike for an ECTA racer buddy.
Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
Marquette, Michigan
(that's 'way up north)
PS Today's project at the house will be to take down the snow fence
that protects our driveway from the worst of the drifts. I think I'm
safe now -- probably only one or two more big snowstorms coming yet
this spring.