Hi Jon
You're absolutely right about the rest of the forum. I was doing really good
until DD insulted me personally. When I stood up for my rights, everything
went out the window... On the list I was criticized and condemned. Some
responders said "Otto's the reason we have delete buttons". I guess I should
said nothing and taken the insult from DD. Sorry, not my style.
Funny thing is I received numerous e-mails personally that didn't hit the
list that praised me for "standing up to the asshole and putting him in his
place" "It's about time somebody did" Some said it made their day!!! Go figure.
I actually got back to him and asked his recommendation on my car, sent him
some pics and he advised me on it. He's very knowledgeable, just can be an
asshole sometimes. Who can't?
Controversy? That's what life all about, it's just how you handle it.
Thanks for the response.