"I couldnt disagree more...........
there are some tremendous efforts behind the success that
deserve as much if not MORE credit than the dude who
obtained it and drove it.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there are many vehicles that ANYONE could drive/ride to 200 + mph
but the expertise/effort required to make it happen is often times
the real special part......"
I am not surprised that you disagree. I don't expect everyone to see things
as I do. I don't talk down the accomplishments of preparing a car to go
fast. I have worked at that for years and am still doing it. However, I
don't need special recognition for my efforts. I competed as an also ran for
just about as long as you have lived. I am doing this for me. If a person
pursues this sport just for recognition from others, they are setting
themselves up for disappointment. I feel sorry for them.
An excellent example of what I am speaking of is Dave Ratliff, who runs a
D/GR. I competed against him in the early sixties. To my knowledge, he has
never even won a first place trophy, but he is still at Bonneville every
year and I doubt that you or I are having more fun than he is.
There are two types of people in the 200 MPH Club. Those that did it all
themselves and those who caught a ride. Either way they wear the hat and
should be proud of their accomplishment. However, If the only way into the
club for me was to catch a ride, I would still be on the outside. That way
of entering would not have satisfied my ego. So maybe we are closer together
on this than it seems. My real satisfaction came from making the car run
that fast. I still disagree though that driving/riding a vehicle to a record
speed over 200 MPH is something ANYONE can do. ANYONE that has a great
desire to do it probably can.
Another thing that is not considered when talking about the speeds is what
vehicle did it. It is much more difficult to take a high-boy roadster to 250
MPH than it is to take my car there. If my engine was in a streamliner it
would be running well into the 300 MPH bracket. I know it is a greater
achievement to ride your bike at 250 MPH than to drive my car at that speed.
We could go on and on with this subject. That is why I think it has to be a
self satisfying effort.
Tom, Redding CA - #216 D/FCC