Ray Rat;
Very nice pics as usual Bud. Now about that nice red Blazer. You're gonna make
the "Rufus" project feel neglected! I know,you two needed a "salt fix". Hope
your feeling beter Ray.Cathy also thought her Rainbow Casino "Credit Coupon"
sounded a bit silent!
Tom Shannon
Magna, Utah
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Ray Buck <rbuck@aros.net>
Reply-To: Ray Buck <rbuck@aros.net>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 09:48:45 -0700
>At 08:25 AM 03/27/2006, John Szalay wrote:
>>Testing , testing, Is this thing on ?
>Yeah, it's on. Just quiet.
>And since it's a quiet spell, I'll mention that my wife and I went to
>Wendover last Friday and took a few minutes to check out the Bend In
>The Road and Land's End. Here are some pics I took:
>The mud that the Bend is dry and hard. No problems there for the
>moment. Land's End is surrounded by water. It's about 2 or 3 inches
>deep in that area. I didn't go wading or driving in it to check it
>any further. I hope it drys up nice and smooth by August.
>Just as an aside, we went to the Nugget for a bit and found a strange
>thing. Maybe things have been this way for a while and I just didn't
>notice. I'm not a gambler at all...but my wife liked to play the
>nickle slot machines from time to time. Well, there are still nickle
>slots, but they don't take coins anymore. The take currency, credit
>cards and credit slips that they print out when you cash out your
>winnings. My wife was very disappointed with the experience. It
>seemed to take all the fun out of it for her. Like I said, I'm not a
>gambler, so it didn't make much difference to me...but it was strange
>to wander around the casino and not hear the sound of coins pouring
>into the tray at the bottom. I must be getting old or something.
>Ray (the rat.)
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