Maybe I can get Jack Costella to splane to me what this guy said!
Doug Odom in big ditch
Jack Dolan wrote:
> Well, I gotta tell ya, they are getting more education about the salt
> faster than they ever would going faster. They are finding out that
> going faster is certainly a lot of work but it is a lot more
> complicated than they ever experienced first hand.
> That is how veterans are created and the ones that make the best
> decisions.
> There is a reality they are learning that is not clouded by a PR
> person, Moneyed Interests, and only the Mother of Nature.
> Everyone wants the race to happen and some will not give up for good
> reasons and some for bad. Many pitch in for all they are worth and
> some help by staying out of the way.
> The best result will come from making the best of what you have and
> that might include not running as the wisest thing.
> That will be the really tough part that will separate the men from the
> boys.
> The effort will never be a waist.
> As for my obvious missing prediction, there you have it.
> The results have suitably impressed me and as for the speed, that has
> not been perfected yet.