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Re: RE: Hey Sparky...

To: "Sparky" <>
Subject: Re: RE: Hey Sparky...
From: "Thomas E. Bryant" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 09:55:40 -0800 (PST)
> ---my rookie mistake---next time the chute release is being relocated and
> my hand will be on it....


Sorry we didn't make contact while on the lake bed. I was thrashing and I
am sure you were, too. Congratulations on your success. You should be

As for the chute situation...I doubt that anything you could have done
would have saved the car from the spin. It is likely that you actually
caused the spin by over reaction to the situation.

I have had both good and bad experiences with spins and chutes. At
Bonneville several years ago in the roadster, the chute straightened the
car after its first revolution. At the lakes, with a friend driving, the
chute came out while the car was backward and draped itself over the
canopy with the shroud lines in position to take the driver's head off had
it caught air.

The bottom line is that the chute takes a while to open after release.
Probably to long to save a spin. My suggestion is to drive with both hands
on the steering wheel until the end of the course is in sight.

Tom, Redding CA - #216 D/FCC

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