I sorta been tongue in cheek with some of the chatter going on about
rocket motors for a bike, etc. But...
There is a question of why not? I do not completely understand why the
various organizations do not band together and take on the challenges of
building the unlimited speed vehicles. Why not go after the fastest car
and bike records? There is so much talent on this list that I am sure it
would be done in good fashion and be likely to succeed. If teh Scta, and
USFRA, ECTA, Texas Mile folk got together and formed an organization to
attack the records then I think it could be done quite easily. This
would help to assure that these records stay in the US or return to the
US. Funding could be done by sponsor ship of course, but also by a
contribution from the yearly memberships. I would join every
organization just to contribute more to the projects. And with all the
racer brain power, the vehicles would be well made and fast. Why
couldn't something like this be done?
How many on this list would be willing to contribute to and work on
something like this?
mayf, nothing to do yet