And it's not bad yet Keith.
Add in gas at about $3.50 to over $4.00 in 2-4 weeks and the lines may
short, but so will tempers.
I'm diggin my fox hole a little deeper.
Three cheers for Ed,
Keith Turk wrote:
> I got a hankering for a Willy's here a couple of months ago and bought a
> really cool wagon out in Arizona.... so Yesterday I took off to go pick it
> up.... Got as far as Mississippi and realized the errors of my ways....
> Getting gas today is a nightmare... there were lines from hell and mean
> people... worn out travelers hanging out holding hands just looking for a tank
> of fuel.... wow... amazing deal... ended up coming back home....
> Amazing country we live in....
> Keith ( I do have Ed VanScoy to thank for going over and bringing it to his
> house... and letting me clutter up his yard with it.... )