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Re: Rule 1H

To: dan warner <>, drmayf <>,
Subject: Re: Rule 1H
From: Ed Van Scoy <>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 16:53:13 -0700 (PDT)
The Great Peacemaker speaks ;-)

--- dan warner <> wrote:

> Before this turns into a piss'n match I hereby offer
> Mayf a waiver to the requirement that wire seal
> holes be drilled in the event that he qualifies for
> a record.
> When next I see his car we can make a determination
> on a location for the holes.
> Mayf, put this email in your toolbox for future
> reference.
> Warner
> "Certainly, there is great wisdom behind the
> rulebook's recommendation..." ron 07/14/05
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