> Hey, someone, please refresh my memory. don't remember how to read
> the date code. What's the secret?
> Jon Wennerberg
> Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
> Marquette, Michigan
> (that's 'way up north)
Hey, folks, don't forget to read all of my question. Yes, I did ask
about the tire age rule, and YES, I did read all of the blather about
the tire age rule and DID learn that the rule-changers forgot to touch
second base so the "new" rule won't be enforced. . .
But I also asked how to read the tire manufacture date code. I wanted
to learn that for my own purposes, maybe, hey?
Thanks Been, for your input, and thanks, Joe, for your acknowledgment
that the rule-makers have safety in mind, even if they forgot to have
the rule change ratified. And thanks to all of this I know that my old
spare tire might be okay to use no matter what the inspectors say, and
that I'll feel comfortable having my wife ride my bike with any tire
that passes tech. And I'm bringing a spare front that'd pass if the
new rule were in effect, and the front I've got will pass, too.
Much cheaper to have one more than I need -- than to have one less.
Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
Marquette, Michigan
(that's 'way up north)