I've got one room at Super 8 in W. Wendover that I won't be needing.
It's all confirmed - just got off the phone with 'em. We won't be
needing it (yes, we will be there - just don't need this spare room).
Tain't cheap -- Friday night (12 August) through Wednesday night (check
out Thursday morning, 18 August) will set you back $516.20, the lady
told me. But you'll get a chance at morning coffee, and maybe the ice
machines won't go empty, and many Super 8 motels have plug-ins for the
block heater so you can start your car on chilly mornings. And you can
have the pleasure of tracking salt on their carpeting.
Let me know if you want this room -- or I'll call S8 and cancel it. I
don't need to cancel for about a week -- but will do so by 4 August if
someone hasn't taken it.
Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
Marquette, Michigan
(that's 'way up north)