Dan, thanks for the quick response and your usual precise explanation. Your
use of the words "post 1981" clears things up and maybe should be inserted
into paragraph 3, pg 57 next year. For example, ". . . to compete in the
"post 1981" Modified or Production Categories MUST be the use of a non-OEM
EFI system. -Elon
-----Original Message-----
From: dan warner Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 8:14 PM
The key here once again is the word CATAGORY. There is a Special
Construction Catagory, a Vintage Catagory, a Modified Catagory, a Classic
Catagory, a Production Catagory and a Diesel Truck Catagory.
When read, the 3rd paragraph on page 57 indicates that a Classic body
vehicle(1928-1981) MUST use non-OEM EFI as the minimum requirement to run in
the post 1981 body classes within the Modified and Production CATAGORIES,
not the CLASSIC catagory.