Well it's sorta gone now... still don't have power at the house... one of the
big trees a couple of doors down the street fell over on a power poll and
destroyed a couple of hundred feet of power line.... course ya gotta know it
was the only real damage our city had... BUT the Unions have told the power
company that no employee may work on anything until it's cleared through
them... and the power company sub's out polls... hence it won't be fixed
immediately...they have to get the sub contractor out here....
The up side to living in Enterprise Alabama... is that the Mayor and Police
chief were out with the 15 man crew clearing the street of this 100' tall pine
tree not an hour after it went down... Our Mayor was less then gracious about
the power company thou... his thoughts were that they Sucked... ( which
confirmed all our suspicions )...
Seems the top seed on the winds here was around 80mph.. with an average of
about 40.... not a real big deal... sure didn't live up to it's potential...
it was looking rather ugly as it came on shore about 75 miles from our place.