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RE: Keith and Tonya have moved!??

To: "Jon Wennerberg" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Keith and Tonya have moved!??
From: "Albaugh, Neil" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 10:27:21 -0500
ALabama = ALberta?

Of course, Jon-- you've surely heard of the Huntsville Stampede.

Regards, Neil    Tucson, AZ

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jon Wennerberg
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 6:08 AM
Subject: Keith and Tonya have moved!??

I was looking through the SpeedWeek pre-registration listings this 
morning - and see that the #197 So-Al Special is listed as being from 
"AL", CANADA.  Keith, after all the times you've teased Nancy and me 
about living "way up north" -- I'm pleased that you've seen the light 
and moved up.

PS  The link to the photos of pre-registrants doesn't work -- takes me 
to, where I did not find the 2005 folder.  And 
Connecticut is mis-spelled, but that's another story.

                 Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
              Marquette, Michigan
              (that's 'way up north)

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