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TIG Welder wiring question

Subject: TIG Welder wiring question
Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 19:44:44 EDT
Hello to the group;
    Any mail order electrical house where I can  purchase #3- 3 wire or #3- 4 
wire SJO or SJ electrical cable?  Also need to  purchase a 100 amp wall 
receptacle and a 100 amp male plug.
  Checked locally and the largest cable they have is  #6.  Lincoln Electric 
specifies a #3 cable for their Precision TIG  375.  I would like to run a 100 
amp feed line from my circuit breaker box  to a female receptacle so I can plug 
the TIG welder in.  Need to also wire  up the TIG with # 3 3 wire and also 
run a separate ground wire to an 8 ft  grounding rod driven into the earth.  
help is greatly  appreciated!  
Thanks,  Tony G  LI,NY

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