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Re: NON LSR - Question about Motorcycle Helmets

To: Tim <>
Subject: Re: NON LSR - Question about Motorcycle Helmets
From: Jon Wennerberg <>
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 12:40:46 -0400
On Thursday, May 5, 2005, at 11:44 AM, Tim wrote:

> Alright, anybody who rides a bike:  Whenever I9m on the freeway down 
> here in
> LA, trying to keep up with traffic, around like 80 mph, it feels like 
> my
> helmet wants to lift off.  Is that normal? It9s choking me. Do you 
> guys just
> deal with it? I know  a solution would be to drive slower, buts that9s 
> no
> fun.  :)
> Thanks,
> Tim Bryant

This one's easy.  Run the short course, and have Bill Taylor snug up 
your helmet strap.  Then always do it the same way from then on.

Oh, yeah -- maybe you'll want to breathe, or to swallow, or be able to 
talk afterwards.

In that case...  Try rolling the helmet farther to the front so it 
covers your forehead more (seriously, this should be enough).  Or don't 
have a visor on the front of the helmet.  Or wear a full-face helmet 
with closed faceshield.  Have you tried on other brands/styles of 
helmets?  Maybe yours isn't the right fit.

                 Jon Wennerberg, 193+ on a naked bike and my helmet 
didn't come off.  Trying for 205+ this year...
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
              Marquette, Michigan
              (that's 'way up north)

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