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Re: Alabamian alphabet - non LSR

To: Jon Wennerberg <>,
Subject: Re: Alabamian alphabet - non LSR
From: "R. Denton" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Apr 2005 14:08:15 -0700 (PDT)
Jon has it pretty close. If it ends in or sounds like it does it you just add 
an apsotrophe.

Then it would be The Wenz' and pronounced Wenzes.

Bob D.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Wennerberg <>
Sent: Apr 6, 2005 12:32 PM
To: Keith Turk <>
Subject: Re: Alabamian alphabet - non LSR

On Wednesday, April 6, 2005, at 03:19 PM, Keith Turk wrote:

> Hey Now....  Watch it.... :0)
> Had to laugh thou last night Tonya and I had to come up with a Name 
> plaque
> for our friends house...  you tell me what is correct for a plural 
> form of
> this name.....  Wenz....  ?
> Like my name would be " The Turk's "
> Theirs would be?
> Keith ( like I should have a clue about this...and trust me I didn't )

Nope. It should NOT be "The Turk's" as in this case the apostrophe 
would show possession.  And while yes, you do own the house, using it 
this way  (apostrophe S) would only be correct if the sign read "The 
Turk's House" or "The Turk's Car" or "The Turk's Septic Tank" or 
whatever.  With the 's ending you must have a noun following the name 
or it's incorrect.

Best would be "The Turks", implying that more than one Turk lives 
there.  Man-o-man, though -- for a name ending in "s" it looks goofy as 
heck -- Imagine Todd and Debbie's sign -- would it look right as "The 
Drosss"?  No, in that case it IS okay to put in the apostrophe, making 
it "The Dross's", although I think "The Dross's"...

Oh, hell, this is getting cornfusing.  Why not just make the sign "Mr. 
& Mrs. Ted Wenz" and let it go at that?

Maybe I should stick to racing. . .

                 Jon Wennerberg
Seldom Seen Slim Land Speed Racing
              Marquette, Michigan
              (that's 'way up north)

PS Keith, I know you're not from Alabama and I betcha you could put all 
the letters in order on the first try.  Now, some of the other racers, 
maybe not. . .

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