Back in the early 70's I was a SAR crewman in the USCG. Two years I got to
fly coverage over the San Diego Power Boat Regatta races. We'd fly circles
inside the course. They'd blow by us on the straights and we'd short cut
the corners and they'd blow by on the next straight. I could actually feel
the power pulses on my cheeks when they'd go by.
Between races we'd get to cruise the pits. Awesome. The new turbine boats
just don't have the same appeal. It is good they changed, however, or there
wouldn't be any engines left for airracers, the boats would use em up like
consumables ...
Dale C.
Latest Autoweek mag has an article about an independent movie to be released
April 22nd---its about Madison, Indiana, and stars the wooden Allison
hydroplane "Miss Madison" and how it came from behind to win the legendary
1971 Gold Cup unlimited hydroplane race.
The other lesser stars include Jim Caviezel, Bruce Dern, and Mary Mccormack
probably has the "if you really love me you wouldn't do this" line).
They have a nice web site with a trailer
Hope its good enough to be a hit like "Hoosiers"
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