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Dynamic fall over Vs Static dumping ( no LSR )

To: <>
Subject: Dynamic fall over Vs Static dumping ( no LSR )
From: "Keith Turk" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 05:52:04 -0600
I just had to share this thought... has no merit and damn little LSR...

If your sitting in a roll around chair and feel like stretching there are a
couple of things you oughta know first...

1.  If your sitting back in your chair and lean back and rapidly throw your
arms over your head to the rear and you have your legs tucked under the chair,
the center of your total mass might not exceed the point where the back two
rollers touch the ground but the dynamic's associated with the mass of your
body weight might carry you past the point at which you could in fact tip

2. During this tipping moment... any panic associated with the fall is only
going to compound the problem ... especially if you have a full soda pop
sitting next to you and a lit cigarette...  don't worry bout burning the
carpet though... the soda will put it out.

3. Most importantly one should pre-plan the fall site to insure there are no
sharp.. ( shoot even blunt ) objects in the vicinity of the head area...

4. Lastly only fore thought precludes a spouse seeing this and walking away in
fits of hysteria...

Keith ( if you have to ask how I know all this... maybe you should simply test
the theory yourself, in the presence of your spouse of course )

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