Why, well an otto cycle thermodynamic engine
makes more power the hotter it is. And if you are not dumping water and
it is 270 degrees, it is not too hot.
That was my thinking also.
I have been operating under the assumption that as long as the cooling
system is full, the engine is protected. If the temp goes so high that
it reduces the oil's ability to do proper lubrication, you are in
trouble. Engine temp can also create detonation which is a bad thing.
Excessive temp can cause head gasket failure because of the expansion
crush. (that is what happened to us at Speedweek 2003 when the water
pump was not turned on. We also lost water on that run and temp was off
the scale)
I guess what I am saying is that is an upper limit to desirable
operating temp, but at this point, I am not sure where that is. I do
know that the conventional wisdom brought on by air pollution controls
differs from days of old. Remember when it was the norm to use to a 160
thermostat in summer and a 180 in winter? (the main reason for the
higher stat in winter was to get heat from the heater.) Today everything
uses a 195 stat which creates a operating temp of roughly 210.
Consequently, a much more efficient motor.
Tom, Redding CA - #216 D/CC