Sent this once and did not go through..
Ed you have several questions to ask the kids at the mensa meeting
1. Do you think that the flow of water is the same as the flow of air but
with a different vicosity?
2. so wouldn't all the rules of aerodynamics apply?
3. Do you think the heat exchanger would be more effecient with laminar flow
or turbulent flow?
4. Would the speed of the water flow change the thickness of the boundry
5. When air or water has to enter a non streamlined orifice the is a
phenomena called a 'venya contracta'(spelling is probably wrong but it is
4:00 am so I'm not going to go find the correct spelling either) that makes
the area of the orifice flow as though it is smaller. A radiator is made
with hundreds of these tubes with a small orifice.
What do you think the speed of the flow has any effect on how much is lost
due to this?
Do you have any test data if you think it makes no difference?
6. What is the critical pressure ratio for water? air is about 0.57 mach but
it is much less dense as well.
7. How would increasing the speed of the flow reduce hot spots and air
pockets in a non streamlined body. Why wouldn't in create more turbulence
and therefore more air pockets?
8. Wouldn't an increase in pressure through the use of a discharge
restrictor (IE. thermostat) be more effective in compressing air pockets and
evacuating them and minimizing their size?
9. What is the flow rate of the electric pump at what head pressure and how
does it comapare to a high perfomace type water pump as used on a winston
cup engine. Yes i would like to see the flow data.
10. Why does no one run an electric water pump in an endurace application?
Can GM,Ford, Nissan, Toyota, Honda etc all be wrong?
11. What is the benifit of running an engine below 180 degrees for long term
12. Most electric water pumps use a number 18 or 16 wire to connect the
motor to the electrical system in the car. It is commonly areed that most
mechanical water pumps use 2 or 3 hp to run and is the reason drag racers
remove them and use an electrical pump,it is not weight because the savings
is marginal if any. With that being said how would you propose getting 2 or
3 hp though the number 16 wire at 13.7 volts DC?
This ought to get them started
Dave no letters after my mane either..
Though laura refers to me as 'Captain Kurmudgeon' from time to time..