As I understand the rules, a step pan is allowed from the firewall back
to in 10" in front of the rear axle centerline. There is also a
secondary flooring designation which is to protect the driver's feet in
case of a step pan tear away. I see no reason for secondary flooring
anywhere else.
I have installed secondary flooring from the firewall to the front of
the seat that covers the transmission and retains my feet. I don't have
a step since my car uses a belly pan. But I feel better with the
secondary floor. My driveline is contained in a tube from the back of
the transmission to the rear ujoint. Again, just feel safer.
Tom, Redding CA - #216 D/CC
Dick J wrote:
> I'm building a 1953 Studebaker to run as a Classic/Altered/Coupe. I have the
>step pan in place. The frame is constructed so that it is exactly as wide as
>the body and when the body is in place, there is no opening to the outside.
> 1. Is there any reason to put secondary flooring anywhere inside the car
>except between the drivers seat and firewall?
> 2. Since the transmission is completely above the step pan, do I have to put
>a secondary floor hump over the transmission? If not, I would put a total
>shield around the U-Joint. I'm using a Hurst transmisison shield around the
>transmission. Of course, I have a hoop around the driveshaft.
> Dick J