Yes, but all of the stress goes to making the crank turn in the right direction
not trying to make it go backward.
3liter wrote:
> Brian, it is an interesting idea and you are right, ignition would
> definitely have to take place ATDC. However, I'm more interested in the
> "shape" of the pressure spike. Kind of the difference between putting flash
> powder or gun powder in a rifle cartridge. One burns and one explodes.
> Instead of "distributing" the burn and pressure over roughly 40 crank
> degrees you are accomplishing the task in less than 2 degrees of crank
> travel. That puts tremendous stress on everything. -Elon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bryan Savage Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 1:28 AM
> Well, I don't think I'd pull the trigger at 34 degrees BTDC.
> Probably more like 0 to 10 degrees ATDC so that max pressure is
> at the same points ATDC that it is if a normal spark plug were used.
> The HP increase would be better than free because there would be
> less stress on the motor.